My school also doesn’t offer french...
I have used Duolingo to learn French
From speaking to writing
(I know my routine might not be like yours, but I just wrote what mine is. Make sure the gender agrees cuz idk if ur a guy or girl. I wrote the verbs that you need for requirement in caps)
Je me suis réveillé à 6h00. Quand je me suis léve, J’AI PRIS un petit déjeuner. J’ai mangé du Cheerios. C’était très délicieux. Je me suis brossé les dents et je me suis habillé. J’AI FINI tôt donc j’ai sorti les poubelles. JE SUIS PARTI à 7h15. J’AI PRIS le voiture de ma mère à l’école.
Bonjour is a French word meaning (literally translated) "good day", and is commonly used as a greeting.
This should be a biology question but the answer is the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic.