The correct option is this: BOOK TITLES SHOULD BE ITALICIZED.
MLA, which stands for Modern Language Association is the most commonly used reference style, that is used to cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. When using this reference style, the titles of the books cited must always be italicized.
Listen, pay attention, hear, attend, acknowledge
, concentrate on hearing
give ear to
, lend an ear to
, hang on someone's words, concentrate on, be attentive, harken, hark, to hear something with thoughtful attention.
S.E. Hinton uses a variety of literary devices to make The Outsiders an interesting read. Some of these include alliteration, foreshadowing, hyperbole, irony, personification, simile, and metaphor. Alliteration includes the repetition of similar sounds.
Friend 1:
I don't think that the people at my new school will like me.
Friend 2:
Don't sweat it, just have courage and be confident in yourself, you are a great person and you already give people a reason to like you.
Mom, I don't know if I should try out for the basketball team. All of the guys are bigger than me.
Have courage, son, I think you should go for it. You practice every day. I believe you are skilled and are determined to get better.