The best answer to fill in the blank, for the question: ___ percent of sperm are deformed or imperfect in some way, would be: 20%.
The topic of human reproduction, both male and female is a pretty complex one. There are too many steps that need to be perfectly balanced in order for fertilization to occur and a pregnancy to take place. One such vital step, is the correct morphology of the sperm, the male version of the egg that will have to fertilize the actual ova of the female to produce an embryo. Men produce sperm throughout their lives, from the moment of puberty and daily they can reach levels of millions of sperm produced. However, not all is perfect in the process of formation of spermatozoides, which is the name of the actual cell. There are quite a few of these reproductive cells that are considered NF or are not normally formed, and therefore are not capable of fertilizing an egg. The percentage of these non-normal morphologically affected sperm is around 20%.
You should note how it will affect the body and the person. you need to know the side affects of both medications to fully understand what could possibly happen