Anwser : Lateral vision in the right eye
Answer: D) precapillary sphincters relax.
Blood flow to a tissue will decrease if precapillary sphincters relax as, capillaries provides glucose and oxygen to the cells and allows blood to flow through it when the muscle ring known as the precapillary Sphincters get relaxed. The blood flow is stopped when the precapillary sphincters constrict flow of blood. As, certain chemical signals causes feeder arterioles to dilate and bring more blood into local areas then, it causes precapillary sphincters to relax.
point: Psychodynamic Carlos may be acting out because he is homesick. Carlos' behavior can be explained by his relocation to a new country. Cognitive Carlos may not understand his assignments or environment as well as he did in Spain. This factor could be the cause of his change in behavior.
Your body gets a fever because it is trying to kill the virus or bacteria that caused the infection