Explanation: Sperm cells in plants are found inside the pollen grain. When the pollen grains fall on the stigma, the pollen raptures and forms a pollen tube then the sperm cells pass through the pollen tube to the ovary.
Eubacteria que se utilizan en procesos industriales:
• Lactobacillus- se utiliza para la preparación de alimentos fermentados tales como queso y yogur.
• Levadura-se utiliza para la preparacion de pan y cervesa.
• Bacillus thuringiensis- se utilizan como insecticidas específicos para lepidópteros
• Escherichia coli-e utilizan en la biotecnología…
White Blood cells or WBC's are the cells of your immune system. They are your first defense in fighting off foreign invaders and infectious diseases.
-Medical Student (College Level)