So we want to know how can an object have three different weights at different times. So weight is Fg=m*g, where m is the mass of the objecct and g is the gravitational acceleration. On Earth, g=9.81 m/s^2, in space g is much less and on the moon g=1.625 m/s^2 So we see that the object changes its weight by moving it to space and on the Moon.
The answers are Fluorine and Francium.
Fluorine has the highest affinity for electrons while Francium has the lowest affinity for electrons. This can be measured by the electronegativity of each one, where Fluorine is the most electronegative element. This can also be seen by the accommodation of elements in the periodic table.
Thomas could maybe look back through his day and see where he put them
Elements that have atoms with full outer shells of electrons
Are inert