Answer: The American System included high tariffs (taxes) on imported goods, intended to force Americans to buy products from the Northern State's factories. 2. This made Southerners feel that the American System was making Northern States (which manufacture, rather than grow food) RICH.
Hope this helps... Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!! :D
Native peoples of America had no immunity to the diseases that European explorers and colonists brought with them. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians. Europeans were used to these diseases, but Indian people had no resistance to them.
Olmec culture is known for its large stone heads. They are built in big and large basalt boulders in which each head is uniquely done and one head is not a copy to the other head. The heads are part of Olmec civilization of ancient Mesoamerica. The Olmecs are the first known civilization in America and the first to have this kind of constructions. The common reason why they made this because of their religious belief.
Your best bet is C.
Despite the "balance of terror," why did people still fear nuclear war? The superpowers continued to develop new nuclear weapons. ... It made both superpowers fear launching a nuclear attack because if one side launched a nuclear attack, the other side would retaliate, and both sides would be destroyed.
Committees of Correspondence, groups appointed by the legislatures in the 13 British American colonies to provide colonial leadership and aid intercolonial cooperation.