Caesar was abusing powers by declaring himself dictator of life. Pompey got angry at him and ended his alliance with Caesar/ also because his daughter died and he got very mad.
You can pass a vehicle on the right only in the conditions listed below and only ... What should you do before you pass another vehicle
Republicanism principle
it holds that the people must participate directly in the election of those that will govern the state, and the president being the chief executive of government,it is in line with this principle that the people must participate directly in his election. It also establishes democracy.
Landed nobility in Japan was a warrior caste so they held all the military power in the country thus undermining the central political power which was the Emperor.
In Japan, the landed nobility, was indeed a warrior caste and the most influential of those warrior leaders were called daimyos. Daimyos were mostly interested in expanding and controlling their own land. Because they possessed military power they were the real power in the state and the Emperor was mostly powerless.
The central political system gained power with the rise of the Shogunates, lead by Shoguns who were the greatest of the daimyo and who managed to control other daimyo. The emperor only managed to gain power after the Meiji Restoration.
To starve the people inside the city out by blocking the roadways and preventing food/water/resources from getting to the city that is being seiged