Brown eyes or no brown eyes
The organ that has all of those parts is the human eye.
The nurse must intervene to the patient by persuading him to stop smoking.
The cigarettes are responsible for this ischemia
*Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, causing shortness of breath and impaired muscle function.
*Smoking hurts the arteries, causing life-threatening spasms.
*Smoking affects the blood clotting, promoting, among other things, the formation of clots and therefore the potential trigger of an infarct, phlebitis or stroke.
*Smoking causes inflammation of the blood vessels, which also causes clots to form.
*Smoking lowers the level of good cholesterol, which is a long-term risk factor for the cardiovascular system.
The implication of alcohol consumption in lower limb ischemia is still debated
A parasite does not feed it's host; in fact, it takes food energy/ food from it's host.