click through rate is the answer
SQL queries
The command used to display the customer ID and total number of orders placed is given below
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT (orderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM Order_Table
SQL queries
The command used to display the customer ID and total number of orders placed is given below
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT (orderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM Order_Table
SELECT - To query the database and get back the specified fields SQL uses the select statement
CustomerID is a coloumn name
The function COUNT(OrderID) returns the number of orders
Totalorderds is a label
FROM - To query the database and get back the preferred information by specifying the table name
Order_Table is a table name
GROUP BY - The clause is used to group the result of a SELECT statement done on a table where the tuple values are similar for more than one column
The table below displays the CustomerID and total number of orders placed
CustomerID Totalorders
4 28
1 6
12 5
16 5
6 3
9 3
15 3
3 1
13 1
14 1
The table below shows the total number of orders situated for each sales person
SalesPerson_ID TotalOrders
3 16
2 3
4 3
5 3
A. weekrep101
hope this worked and notice the update
UPDATE acctmanager WHERE amid = 'J500';
The statement written above is not valid SQL statement because there is no SET after UPDATE. Update is always used with SET.If you are updating something then you need to specify the value with which that value should be replaced.
UPDATE acctmanager SET amname = UPPER(amname);
This statement does not contains WHERE clause but it will run all the values of amname column will get updated in the table acctmanager.
provides CPU scheduling, memory management, file management, and other operating system functions through system calls. The other one is that it is a single large process running entirely in a single address space.
Disadvantage: if anyone service fails it leads to an entire system failure