is there multiple choice options? we need those to be exact..
Decomposition will be used so you can break down the game into smaller and more manageable parts.
- Local fisherman recover the body of Major Martin off the coast of Spain
- Spanish officials pass off the information in the briefcase to German agents.
- Major Martin's name appears on a casualty list in a British newspaper.
- Germany prepares for an imminent attack on the island of Sardinia.
This above is the order in which Operation Mincemeat was executed in WW2 to deceive the Germans into believing that the Allies were going to invade the Balkans directly instead of Sicily which was their actual target.
The plan involved a fictitious Major Martin who had secret documents about the Allied invasion of the Balkans. After the body was released from a British submarine, it washed up in Spain where it was found by local fishermen.
Spanish officials then passed the information in the briefcase Major Martin had to German intelligence. To further reinforce the ruse, the British published Major Martin's name in a casualty list.
The Germans were thoroughly convinced and switched forces from Sicily for the defence of the Balkans and the island of Sicily.
age=int(input("Enter age"))
if age>=18:
print("You are Young")
print("You are child")
if you have any query or any problem kindly ask in comment
Answer: The number of players and spectators present, as well as the maximum number of players and spectators allowed.
Explanation: players