Maturity when you mature you grow you learn what is right and. wrong and
August 18, 1920 should be right.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte became the French Emperor in the year 1804 after the French Senate supported his claim to be the Emperor. He is known for his expeditions and victories over major European rivals of that time. He first took over the France in 1799 after the coup and was official called the Emperor in 1804 after the elections. It is when he called or declared himself 'Emperor for Life'.
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice is also known as midsummer. It occurs in June in Northern Hemisphere and in December in Southern Hemisphere. In Northern Hemisphere, it occurs sometime between June 20 to June 23. And in Southern Hemisphere, it occurs sometime between December 20 to December 23.
<u>The summer solstice occurs when one of the poles of Earth is maximum titled towards the Sun. On this day, the </u><u>daylight is long</u><u> and </u><u>the sun reaches its highest point in the sky</u>.
So, the correct answer is the summer solstice.
Surely the answer is number 4