Civil rights act of 1965 which was passed by LBJ.
Its important to not be bias because it will change the information and it wont be factual so feeding people false information. It would also affect how the people reading or watching the news letter feel about and react.
Due to lost of their property.
The Indian removal act has a negative economic impact on the American Indian tribes that were relocated to Oklahoma because they lost all their property that was present at their original place. They have to start their lives from the beginning and lives according to the available resources of that Oklahoma location. They were not paid for their property by the American government which leads to bad economic condition.
Dato maharajalela merupakan pemimpin yang mengetuai perjuangan menentang British di Perak, Beliau merancang dan membuat pakatan untuk membunuh James Wheller woodfird Birch, Residen British Perak