Answer: Each daughter and son willhave an even amount that are split up between fifty percent.
Explanation:Twenty-five percent will be to the son,the other Twenty-five percent will be going to the daughter.
Hope this helps you out! ☺
There is a change in amino acids sequence causes these mutations, If there is an error in the order of amino acids during the process of multiplication, there is a special enzyme to repair errors
The naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals and organic matter is known as a Rock.
A rock is a naturally occurring substances that is a solid mixture of one or more minerals together with organic matter.
<h2>Further Explanation;</h2>
- Rocks are classified based on the chemical composition, texture and the way they are formed. One type of rock may change from one form to another through a rock cycle.
- Rock cycle is the process through each various rocks change from one form to another, normally an interchange between the three major types of rocks.
There are three major classification of rocks:
<h3>Sedimentary rocks </h3>
- Sedimentary rocks are types of rocks that are formed through accumulation of sediments at low temperatures in tectonic layers and sinks. These sediments includes; pebbles, shells, sand and other material fragments.
- The sediments accumulates in layers and then harden into rocks over a period of time.
- Examples of sedimentary rocks include; limestone and conglomerate
<h3>Metamorphic rocks</h3>
- These are types of rocks that are formed as a result of changes that occurs due to intense heat and pressure under the surface of the earth. They result from action of heat and pressure on other rocks that pre-existed.
- These types of rocks are characterized by shiny crystals, ribbon-like layers among other features.
- Examples of metamorphic rocks are marble and gneiss
<h3>Igneous rocks </h3>
- These are types of rocks that are formed as a result hardening and cooling of magma from volcanic eruptions. Magma may cool inside the earth or when on the surface of the earth as a result of volcanic eruptions. The lava from this eruptions cools and hardens to form metamorphic rocks.
- Igneous rocks are glass-like and shiny with no crystals. They may also have tiny spaces and holes due to gas bubbles trapped during the cooling process.
- Examples of igneous rocks include obsidian and basalt.
- The three types of rocks may be further classified in terms of chemical composition, texture and formation.
Key words: Rocks, types of rocks, chemical composition
<h3>Learn more about;</h3>
- Rocks and rock types;
- sedimentary rocks;
- igneous rocks;
- metamorphic rocks;
Level; High school
Subject: Geography
Topic: Rocks
sub-topic: classification of rocks
The Steady State Theory state that the density of the universe was remaining constant.
<h3>Steady State Theory:</h3>
In cosmology, a steady-state theory is a perspective that holds that the universe is constantly expanding while maintaining a constant average density. According to this theory, the matter is continuously created to form new stars and galaxies at the same rate that older ones fade away due to their expanding distance and accelerating recession. The average density and configuration of galaxies are the same as any location in a steady-state universe, which has no beginning or end in time.
British scientists Sir Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle first proposed the hypothesis in 1948. Hoyle expanded on it in order to address issues that had come up in relation to the alternative big-bang theory. According to the hypothesis, in order to maintain a constant average density of matter across time, the new matter must constantly be created, primarily as hydrogen. With nearly five times as much dark matter, the amount needed is small and not immediately observable: one solar mass of baryons per cubic megaparsec every year, or one hydrogen atom per cubic meter every billion years.
Learn more about steady-state here:
its paper so if its stiff and right place ment yeah