Yes the answer is B which is Austria-Hungary and Germany
Germany declared war on Russia because Russia threatened to attack Austria-Hungary if they invade Serbia.
Allied Powers: France, UK, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium USA, Japan, and soon Italy (since Italy used to be apart of the Central Powers but later switched sides)
Central Powers; Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Albania, and Bulgaria
Answer: 13
if you add all the gumballs together you get 108. then you divide by 8 and get 13.5 therefore she can make 13 bags with 4 gumballs left over
Answer: (I've copy and pasted my old work of the independence)
All men are made equivalent and there are sure unalienable rights that legislatures ought to never disregard. These rights incorporate the privilege to life, freedom and the quest for satisfaction. At the point when an administration neglects to ensure those rights, it isn't just the right, yet additionally the obligation of individuals to oust that administration. In its place, individuals ought to set up an administration that is intended to secure those rights. Governments are once in a while toppled, and ought not be ousted for paltry reasons. For this situation, a long history of misuses has driven the pilgrims to oust an oppressive government.
The King of Great Britain, George III, is liable of 27 explicit maltreatments. The King meddled with the homesteaders' entitlement to self-government and for a reasonable legal framework. Acting with Parliament, the King additionally established enactment that influenced the states without their assent. This enactment required charges on the pioneers. It likewise expected them to quarter British troopers, taken out their entitlement to preliminary by jury, and kept them from exchanging openly. Moreover, the King and Parliament are liable of through and through demolition of American life and property by their refusal to secure the settlements' fringes, their seizure of American boats adrift, and their aim to enlist unfamiliar hired soldiers to battle against the pioneers.
-good enough??
Jefferson directed Meriwether Lewis to gather as much information as he could concerning the possibility of trade with merchants there, and during the winter of 1803-04 Lewis considered conducting a personal reconnaissance of the Indian route to Spanish country that led up the Kansas River.
The Roman Empire's fall was largely due to the army being spread too thin to defend the growing territory. The army could not recruit fast enough to secure the huge increases in territory. Also the relocation of men from their domestic lives within the city to the mobile army bases caused a lack of day to day workers within the city. The economy suffered as result.