Using the knowledge of computational language in JAVA it is possible to describe since s is null, indexof throws an nullpointer error for s. comment out the first if statement and run the program again. the second if statement avoids the error with shortcircuit evaluation.
<h3>Writting the code:</h3>
<em>public class Printer {</em>
<em> private String name;</em>
<em> public void print() {</em>
<em> </em><em>printString</em><em>(name);</em>
<em> }</em>
<em>public class Example {</em>
<em />
<em> public static void </em><em>main</em><em>(String[] args) {</em>
<em> Object obj = null;</em>
<em> obj.hashCode();</em>
<em> }</em>
<em />
<em> public static void </em><em>main</em><em>(String[] args) {</em>
<em> Printer printer = new Printer();</em>
<em> printer.print();</em>
<em> }</em>
<em> }</em>
<em>public class Example {</em>
<em />
<em> public static </em><em>void </em><em>main(String[] args) {</em>
<em> Object obj = null;</em>
<em> obj.hashCode();</em>
<em> }</em>
<em />
<em> public static void </em><em>main</em><em>(String[] args) {</em>
<em> Printer printer = new Printer("123");</em>
<em> printer.print();</em>
<em> }</em>
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