-Because of Homeostatic imbalance as we age our body organs become less efficient, and our internal conditions become less and less stable. This event has a risk for illness and produce changes we associate with aging.
-Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment even though the outside world is constantly changing. It involves both positive feedback Loops and the negative Feedback loops.
-Aging is a general example of disease as a result of homeostatic imbalance. As an organism ages, weakening of feedback loops gradually results in an unstable internal environment. This lack of homeostasis increases the risk for illness and is responsible for the physical changes associated with aging.
I think it is...
A. Most people are not directly impacted by polluting a common.
Hopefully, this helps you!!

The heart is beneath the breastbone in the chest cavity of the frog
Yes (It's more inefficient)
in ecology there are things called primary producers (plants) that are eaten by primary consumers (cows and chickens) and then there are humans, secondary consumers, that eat cows and chickens for energy.
The further we move from eating primary producers the more inefficient we become in consuming energy. Meaning, it requires a lot more natural energy consumption to support a human that lives on meat only as compared to a human that eats plants only. this inefficiency only magnifies when communities practice unsustainable food methods.
There are sustainable ways to eat meat, but (at least in the US) our current conventions of meat production are unsustainable and environmentally destructive.