George B. McClellan replaced Winifield Scott.
This excerpt is from Griselda’s Tale, a European Folklore written by Giovanni Boccaccio. Griselda was married to Gualtieri and her patience and obiedience were severely tested when her children were taken away from her to be killed. Gualtieri did not kill them however, but kept them in another town. When Griselda’s daughter was 12 years old Gualtieri brought her back and presented her to Griselda as his new bride. When Griselda did not object to this he revealed the daughter to the mother and restored her role as a wife and mother.
Question: Which option identifies an inference one could draw about the ladies based upon the information in the excerpt?
Answer: A. They place a high value on material possessions.
The correct answer is Head Diplomat.
Many are the roles of a Foreign Policy Leader (also known as a Head Diplomat or Chief Diplomat), such as recognizing the legitimacy of a foreign nation, appointing ambassadors, establishing foreign policies, making treaties, making executive agreements. In the United States, the president is also the Chief Diplomat.
African art has as its main influence religion, functionalism and utilitarianism. Depending on the region, one of these influences may be stronger than the other, sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the art that is most influenced by religion, probably because of the social and economic difficulties they face, which make artists connect more with religion as a way of supporting national problems. The areas where these problems are not so prominent, usually have greater influences on utilitarianism and functionalism, probably because artists have more access to concepts, techniques and information.
African societies place a lot of importance on art because it is a way of externalizing feelings and promoting criticism. This is very strong in this region that was so scrapped and exploited by other nations that it caused problems that can still be seen today in these societies.
Pheonician empire is the correct answer.