Its simple, convert 1 and 2/3 into a fraction which is 5/3 and use KCF which is Keep Change and Flip,
How this works is that you keep the first fraction, then change the division sign to a multiplication sign (Change = change the sign into its oppisite) then flip the other fraction from being 5/3 into 3/5. And then you multiply top times top and bottom times bottom. After that you simplify if you can, Hope this helped!
It is -p... think about it.... two negative signs equal a positive sign, if there are an odd number of negative sign's the real answer is -p, and if there is an even amount, it means it is positive p. In your situation, there are 5 negative signs, so since 5 is an odd number, the p has to be negative.
D is the correct answer 0.3234
That is true because you are still dividing x by three either way
Children (c)=x
Adults (d)=284-x
4x+5.6 (284-x)=1360
Solve for x
X=144 children
284−144=140 adults