Her nightmare was that people attacked her
Hello, so this seems to be a basic essay! Which is good news. First, pick your argument/ topic choice one that you feel you relate to and one that you can easily covey your message to the reader. You seemed to have six really great choices to choose from so thank your teacher for that! All you need to do is get all of your information and create a outline. One that shows all of you reasoning and facts. It looks like you have all the information that you need in the pictures you have. Unfortunately, I can’t write this for you but trust me I would love to! Let me know if you need any further help with anything at all. Good luck on you essay!
The novel is really old and now a days no one is gonna sit and read it
Some persons of a desponding spirit are in great concern about that vast number of poor people, who are aged, diseased, or maimed . . . it is very well known, that they are every day dying . . . as fast as can be reasonably expected.