European settlers pushed many ancient North American tribes off of their land. Either by force, or by disease. Hope I helped! ;)
The shogunate was never liked or agreed with the kabuki and all the shame it brought, particularly the variety of the social classes which mixed at kabuki performances.
The Kabuki dance was banned because it was thought to be too erotic. Young boys also performed wakashū-kabuki, but they were eligible for prostitution, and soon banned wakashū-kabuki as well.
Kabuki switched to adult male actors, which were cross dressers, called yaro-kabuki, in the mid-1600s.
the displaced person act
The Displaced Persons Act was signed into law by President Harry Truman on June 25, 1948. The law authorized the admission of select European refugees as permanent residents of the United States. The law's provisions were temporary, taking effect in 1948 and ending in 1952. Refugees crowded into provinces adjacent to the front in the hope of being able to return to their homes within a matter of days or weeks. These hopes soon evaporated. Following the retreat of Russian forces from Galicia, tens of thousands of civilians fled to L'vov and adjacent towns. Thus the refugee crisis had two main causes. The first was enemy occupation that persuaded civilians to flee along with retreating troops. (Of course, not all civilians did so.) The second cause was the state's use of force against its own people – in other words, organised deportation.