The thyroid or thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland (with two wolves), which is located on the anterior neck, just below the region known as the Adam's apple. It is one of the largest glands in the human body and has an approximate weight of 15 to 25 grams (in adults).
The thyroid is considered radiologically "critical and acts on the function of important organs such as the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. It also interferes with the growth and development of children and adolescents; the regulation of menstrual cycles; fertility; weight; memory, concentration, mood, and emotional control It is critical to be in perfect working order to ensure the body's balance and harmony.
Compared to other organs of the human body it is relatively small. It is responsible for the production of the hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which act in all systems of our body.