The water molecules enter a gaseous state called water vapor. So water Evaporates.
The tracing of uterine activity measured with a solid-tipped intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) depicts no contractions. However, you are palpating contractions that are strong in intensity with a frequency of every 3 minutes and a duration of 60 seconds. A possible cause for this finding is (select an answer): The connections to the system are not connected.
An IUPC counts the number, length, and force of contractions. During palpations peaks of strong intensity is recored.As in this case IUPC seems to be not connected as its near impossible to get no contractions when palpation are high.
And one unit is the amount of pressure required to raise a mercury column by one millimetre. The intensity of the contraction is assessed from the baseline (when the uterus is relaxed) to the rise of the contraction and is recorded in units. According to studies, after spontaneous labour, 200 units of contractions per 10 minutes are typically sufficient for vaginal birth.
To learn more about palpating contractions click here
It is usually caused by the forces of gravity
Once a vital plant that many humans or animals need go extinct, many of them will die due to starvation and or shelters they build might not be able to be built due to the extinct plant being gone. As an example, If trees went extinct, humans wouldn't be able to live. One, because trees help filter the air for us humans to breath, wood is a very vital supply too. Wood is used for paper, homes, and even appliances.
hi there
because industrial revolution has caused a massive hole at ozone layers which protects excess sunlight from reaching the earth,so it means that the more sunlight the more the extinction of species