D. Americans believed that they should be taxed by their own colonial assemblies, not by parliament.
Commercial speech is one of the categories of speech that enjoys lesser protection under the First Amendment.
Two types of commercial speech in particular, are given less or null protection: false advertising, and misleading advertising. The justification is to protect the rights of consumers, and of other companies.
If Pizza Hut prints materials that are untruthful about Papa John's, then Pizza Hut is committing misleading advertising, because it is spreading false information about its direct competitor. In this scenario, Pizza Hut could easily sue Papa John's in court, and win the case.
The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an additional protocol adopted on 11 December 1997 to form the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of climate protection. The agreement, which entered into force on 16 February 2005, establishes for the first time legally binding targets for the emission of greenhouse gases in industrialized countries, which are the main cause of global warming. By early December 2011, 191 states and the European Union had signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The US rejected the ratification of the protocol in 2001, and Canada announced its withdrawal from the agreement on December 13.
The Virginia Plan addressed the issue of representation by promoting the idea of representation in Congress being based on state population size, as opposed to having a set number of representatives per state. The issue was eventually solved with the Connecticut Compromise.
The spoils system referred to:
- <u>B. the appointment of friends and political supporters to government positions</u>
The spoils system refers to a system where political appointments are made as a favor or payback to the friends and supporters of a politician when he is appointed in public office.
As a result of this, the people who are appointed may not always be qualified for a particular position, so it is not based on meritocracy, but rather as a favor to them.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B
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