Because they were only interested in themselves
The Prodigal Son is a story of a son who asks his father for his inheritance then instead of when his dad dies. He gets the money and goes and blows it off on worldly possessions. He wastes all the money. When a famine hits he is forced to work for someone and feed pigs. He gets paid little and has no food. He is forced to go back to his father. His father sees him from a while off and runs to meet him. He tells his servants to get the best robes and gold rings and to put them on his son. He throws a party for his son. The fathers other son gets mad because his father never threw parties for him.
The Good Samaritan is a parable about a rich Jewish man and how he has to get to a certain city. Along the way he gets mugged. A priest passes by and sees him and goes to the other side of the road, the same thing happens with a Levite. A Samaritan happens to pass by and he helps him. He takes him to an inn and pays the owner to take care of the man.
(B). America
America is the longest standing democracy, lasting over 200 years.
Turning your lights on before breaking in
The correct answer is D: political leaders could not claim they alone knew the will of God, since the Jewish teachings were written down for anyone to read.
Jews believe that God dictated the Torah, the central and most important document of Judaism, to Moses on Mount Sinai. They believe that the Torah shows how God wants Jews to live. It contains 613 commandments and Jews refer to the ten best known of these as "the ten 10 statements". The Torah includes Judaism’s written and oral law, i.e. all Jewish religious teachings throughout history. Everything is said there, everything a good Jew needs to know so as to act as God says. A Jew serves God when he learns the holy books and does what they say.