The Gelug sect of Buddhism is the newest sect of this religion/philosophy. It is the one that actually has established the Dalai Lama, which is the most important figure in this sect. The Dalai Lama is viewed as the incarnation Avalokitisvara, a Bodhisttava of Compassion. Also, the Dalai Lama is considered as the spiritual leader of the Gelug Buddhism and he is the highest religious authority, which over time even became a political authority. This sect of Buddhism has become dominant in Tibet and Mongolia.
School, Work till 50 then retire
The correct answer is:
B.The Tammany Hall bosses tried to bribe him and threatened his life.
Thomas Nast rose to fame in the late 1860s when his satirical comics led directly to the arrest of Boss Tweed, for the corrupted “Tweed Ring” he ran in New York City bribing city officials, rigging elections, and corrupting the judiciary.
Tweed attempted to bribe Nast offering him up to $500,000 to study art in Europe. Failing to bribe Nast, Tweed threatened to have the Board of Elections boycott Harper’s books, where Nast worked, but the magazine´s board chose to support the cartoonist depicting Tweed as a thief.
There are several ways in which the growth of Alexander’s empire spread Greek culture, but the most important way was that culture was imposed wherever he went.