Your friends sign up for a 5K run and invite you to train with them and run in the race. That's an example of positive peer pressure.
Whats the name of thebook
The boy's rendition of his late father's painting was an absolute monstrosity. It was unveiled right beside the old man's grave to a crowd of dishevelled bystanders, the ladies holding their billowing skirts down and the men scratching at their unkempt beards. It wasn't a particularly sacrilegious artwork, but the crowd would say otherwise. Hands jumped to mouths to keep a scream bottled in, eyes widened to the point of tearing. They'd never seen something quite like it.
The Crucible has highlighted the message of integrity in relationships to maintain harmony and stability in society as a whole.
The Crucible is an amalgamation of honest and dishonest people together living in a society. the play has highlighted notions of ownership, integrity, justice and its consequences. The play reveals that imbalance of power and injustice in society may lead to severe crimes such as stealing property ownership, false accusations of witch craft etc. which develops an atmosphere of mass hysteria. Therefore, people need to give sacrifices for getting justice and regaining the balance of society.
C. a scene showing how the bull treats the character in ten years