In the years following the Civil War, railroads were privately owned and ... support of both major political parties and pressure groups from all regions of the country ... Labor unions formed or organizations that promoted the interests of workers ... In a monopoly, there is no competition and the seller can increase the price of ...
Elvis is considered to be the one who popularized rock n roll music in the 50s
5:30pm to 7:30pm on Oct 31st
No, the Supreme Court should not have a police force with the power to enforce its decisions. This is for a couple of reasons: with the Supreme Court being the highest court and one of the three branches of government, it already has a large amount of power and does not need more, there are jobs such as parole officers to look over the actions of criminals after court and the police force is sufficient enough to tackle any problems as many problems as it can with criminality.
They probably have higher patriotism