PRINT "Values for Principal (P), Rate (A) and Time (T)"
I = P * A * T/100
Amount = P + I
PRINT "Interest: ", I
PRINT "Amount: ", Amount
This prompts the user for values for Principal, Rate and Time
PRINT "Values for Principal (P), Rate (A) and Time (T)"
This gets values for Principal (P), Rate (R) and Time (T)
This calculates the interest (I)
I = P * A * T/100
This calculates the amount (A)
Amount = P + I
This prints the interest (I)
PRINT "Interest: ", I
This prints the amount (A)
PRINT "Amount: ", Amount
Answer: Concurrent programs are the programs that execute at the same point of time. They are simultaneous in nature with other concurrent programs.They are executed with the help of threads to achieve the concurrency without the issue of scheduling. They are consider long running programs.
The program that has the low execution time compared with all other programs gets executed first.If the case of no progress is seen then another thread is executed.This type of execution gives the non- deterministic situation in which the possibility of leading completion of any particular program cannot be determined.
Sophia es un robot humanoide (ginoide) desarrollado por la compañía, con sede en Hong Kong, Hanson Robotics. Ha sido diseñada para aprender, adaptarse al comportamiento humano y trabajar con estos satisfactoriamente.
Information virtualization is the process of representing the abstract data such as numeral number and text into the form of visual which is human can easily understand.
The main challenges faced by the information visualization researchers are:
- The main challenge which are faced by the information virtualization is during the data importing and also cleaning in the system.
- It also not able to access the large amount of the data easily from the system.
- Due to the poor selection of the scale and the coordinate rotation it also lead to the data distortion.