The Objectivism is a philosophical perspective in which the focus is the subject or man, according to the objectivism, the purpose of life is to achieve happiness through the actions of oneself, because of this Objectivism relies on individuality. Additionally, the objectivism proposes the word is objective which means it exists beyond our consciousness and can be perceived through the senses. This perspective was proposed by the Russian-American writer Ayn Rand who is author of multiple works including "The Anthem" from which the excerpt is taken; this excerpt focuses on the importance of the individual including its "body and spirit", the individual as the center "I am the meaning" and the achievement of happiness through the individual itself "I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being", concepts that fit into the Objectivism. Thus, the sentences articulate the philosophical concept of objectivism as they show the subject or the individual as the center and the importance of achieving happiness through own actions, which is ones of the main concepts of Objectivism.
Explanation: The philosophical concept of objectivism stands that the reality exists and it is independent of the mind. This means that there is just one correct description of reality and it isn't the one in our minds, because it is influenced by perspective. The objectivism also claims that the main function of our mind is understanding that we exist, like in the excerpt, when it says "I am the meaning", " I am the warrant and the sanction".