"Why Do We Hate Love?"
1. We hate love for various psychological reasons. Love can arouse anxiety and threaten old defenses. In the past one could build emotional blocks that close off emotional feelings. When love is showed to such a person, they can become suddenly saddened, because they feel the pain of not being loved in the past. Being loved also questions a person's self-concept, thus, provoking identity crisis within. The love enjoyed in the family can also make a person to find love outside the family difficult, as they feel disconnected.
2. A "...many people are unaware that being loved or especially valued makes them feel angry and withholding."
The line dividing love and hate is very thin. For example, when sex is used as a tool to show love, hate may result if the other party does not approve of it. This is why young men should be careful to suggest or apply sexual maneuvers over their lovebirds. Love should be solidified before sex, allowing sex to result from love and not love from sex.
In the second and third stanzas, "day" and "fire" are symbols for eternity.
Maya likes to swim in the ocean rather than swimming inside the pool
I really personally dont think it should be taught in school at all, honestly I do not like history at all, due to what both men and women dealt with, from the unequal rights to the other horrible things that occurred. It seems like disrespectful to teach this due to it being some of their ancestors that were slaves at a time or any part of history in that matter. I think if a student wanted to learn about it then they should read about it in the libraires, or ask a teacher for tutoring on the subject, and not actually teach any students about this.