A função do citoplasma é fornecer sustentação esquelética para a célula através da estrutura composta por filamentos e túbulos proteicos. Além disso, todo o conjunto de estruturas mergulhadas no citosol apresenta bastante dinamismo, fato que possibilita à célula realizar alguns movimentos.
No citoplasma, ainda há membranas que atuam como verdadeiras usinas intracelulares, que fornecem energia indispensável à manutenção da vida.
Outro fato que você deveria saber sobre o citoplasma é que ele preenche todo o interior das células eucariontes, sendo delimitado pela membrana plasmática. Já nas células procariontes, o citoplasma fica entre a membrana plasmática e o núcleo da célula.
If an error occurred when RNA was receiving coding information a protein wouldn't be formed correctly. RNA need's coding information to determine what type of protein it needed to produce. Hope I helped!
Hi! Can you please make your question clearer ?
B. $5
$95/10 percent = 9.5
9.5/2 (because it is halfway through the billing period) = 4.75
4.75 rounded up to the nearest tenths place is 5.
Carbon based molecules have 3 main structures which are
straight chain
branched chains
The structure or shape of carbon can be a straight chain, branched chained or in the form of rings. Examples of straight chain carbon includes propane, butane and pentane. Examples of branched chain carbons include members of the alkyl group like methyl and ethyl. Ring shaped carbons form structures in the form of rings like benzene which forms a six carbon ring. All these structures are made and dependent on the ability of carbon molecules to form four covalent bonds. Enormous, complex molecules can be formed by the binding of carbon chains to carbon rings. The carbon based molecules are very important as they are the basic buiilding blocks of life. Many important molecule like the DNA, RNA, lipids are made up of carbon atoms.