Deep zone, surface zone and transition zone.
Open sea zone is the area of the coastal areas above the sea bed and cover the continental shelf where large Marine organism are present and there is enough sunlight algae organism use to photosynthesize and produce food for the Marine organisms by converting carbondioxide and water into carbohydrates.
The zone stretches from the surface , to the middle and depth of 200 m.
The surface zone is the area where light penetrates most , the transition stretches from the surface zone downward, in this zone light penetrates bit not as much as surface zone and in the deep zone, it stretches from the transition zone downward to a depth of 200 meters and don't have enough light penetration compare to surface and transition.
This is because the seven-sugar intermediate is synthesized by sugar addition to cytosolic-facing dolichol phosphate. The intermediate is flipped from the cytosol face of the ER membrane to the the luminal face. Additionally, the sugar additions then occur within the lumen of the ER. The short forms of the intermediate are on the wrong side of the membrane to add to nascent polypeptides within the ER lumen. Incomplete adductants within the ER lumen are located appropriately to N-glycosylate nascent polypeptide.
a. Decrease water reabsorption
: decrease blood pressure.
b. Decrease peripheral resistance
: decrease blood pressure
c. Vasodilation
: decrease blood pressure
d. Decrease salt intake
: decrease blood pressure
e. Decrease blood volume
: decrease blood pressure
f. Vasoconstriction
: increase blood pressure
g. Increase peripheral resistance: increase blood pressure
h. Increase salt intake: increase blood pressure
i. Increase blood volume
: increase blood pressure
j. Increase water reabsorption: increase blood pressure
- Total peripheral resistance: This term refers to the resistance offered by the vascular system to the blood flow. This resistance is a result of the friction between the blood and the vessel's walls. In other words, it is the opposition of the vessels to blood flow. The total peripheral resistance is the summary of all the bloody circuit resistances in the body. Those mechanisms that induce vasoconstriction conduce to an increase in total peripheral resistance, while mechanisms that induce vasodilation provoke a decrease in total peripheral resistance.
- Blood pressure: This term refers to the strength applied by the blood against the vessel walls as it flows. This pressure is determined by the bombed blood strength and the volume as well as by the vessel size and flexibility. Blood pressure changes continuously according to the activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, among others.
- Salt ingestion causes an increase in plasmatic osmolarity, stimulates thirst, and hence, water ingestion. Sodium retains water, expanding the blood volume and causing an increase in vessel pressure.
- The antidiuretic hormone, also known as vasopressin hormone, is released by changes in serum osmolarity or blood volume. Its function is to keep homeostasis and make kidneys conserve or keep water by concentrating urine and by reducing its volume. By these actions, the antidiuretic hormone stimulates water reabsorption, according to the organism´s needs.
- Kidneys control blood pressure in many ways. If the pressure is elevated, kidneys produce the loss of salt and water, normalizing arterial pressure. But if pressure is low, kidneys conserve water.
Humans have some stem cells, but those cells are not easily available to help with healing. Most other mammals are the same, so they aren't good at regeneration either. Amphibians and some fish have stem cells that are more easily available, and are usually pretty good at regeneration.
I would type it up, but I decided to insert a picture.