Hi bro /siso plss post in the English Hope it helpfull too
One simple and easy way that scientists can accurately date fossils found is through the ground levels. When you take a big chunk out of the earth, you can see the changes in the texture in the "ground" Each "layer" represents a set of years. And as you get further and further into the ground, fossils become older and older.
Geomorphology is the study of the earth's landforms and the processes that sculpts/shapes it. The discipline covers a broad range of scope as it is not limited only to the earth surface.
✓The processes that forms the diverse landscape on Earth are diverse and intertwined
✓ It is a combination of biological, physical and various chemical processes.
✓To have a perfect knowledge of how a landform has evolved, geomorphologist must interact and
have some grasp about these other disciplines
✓Geology, geography, biology, chemistry e.t.c are all important in doing a detailed geomorphology
study of a place.
Learn more:
Wind erosion
C- Mariana Trench. It’s the only different form the rest. The others are a consequence of plates subduing or getting under another plate and pushing up.
Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.