str: .asciiz "Hello, world!\n"
output: .asciiz "\nTotal character numeric sum = "
.globl main
la $t0,str # Load the address of the string
li $t2,0 # Initialize the total value to zero
loop: lb $t1,($t0) # Load one byte at a time from the string
beqz $t1,end # If byte is a null character end the operation
add $t2,$t2,$t1 # Else add the numeric value of the byte to the running total
addi $t0,$t0,1 # Increment the string pointer by 1
b loop # Repeat the loop
# Displaying the output
li $v0,4 # Code to print the string
la $a0,output # Load the address of the string
syscall # Call to print the output string
li $v0,1 # Code to print the integer
move $a0,$t2 # Put the value to be printed in $a0
syscall # Call to print the integer
# Exiting the program
li $v0,10 # Code to exit program
syscall # Call to exit the program