We start from the bottom-most and rightmost internal node of min Heap and then heapify all internal modes in the bottom-up way to build the Max heap.
To build a heap, the following algorithm is implemented for any input array.
heapsize := size(A)
for i := floor(heapsize/2) downto 1
do HEAPIFY(A, i)
end for
Convert the given array of elements into an almost complete binary tree.
Ensure that the tree is a max heap.
Check that every non-leaf node contains a greater or equal value element than its child nodes.
If there exists any node that does not satisfy the ordering property of max heap, swap the elements.
Start checking from a non-leaf node with the highest index (bottom to top and right to left).
The word youre looking for is turpentine, because you don't need to cut down the tree to collect or make it.
Most computer devices are connected to the computer through port
Keyboard through usb port
Printer through usb port
Hand point device through usb port
Also computer equipped with LPT port for printers and COM port for additional devices like external modems e.t.c
You go to the option that says "snap to solve" an that's it
You can go into your bedroom on a dark night, then close your eyes, and press your face into the pillow. You will then see an exact copy of the image, in perfect detail.