A difference in a plant cell has a cell wall well an animal cell doesn’t
He wanted freedom for India from the British. He did several things to reject British goods like Salt, and Cotton. He had people march for salt of the coast of Arabian Sea. He also made people burn British clothes and he decided to make his own clothes by using a giant wheel to spin cotton and made his famous clothes like the dothi. which he wore later in life.
There are 3 correct answers to this questions, which are A, B and C. D is incorrect.
Given the scope of violence in Mexico, calculating its economic impact is necessary to assess the financial burden it places on the country's society.
According to the 2018 Mexico Peace Index (MPI), the cost of violence in Mexico in 2017 was 4.72 trillion pesos (US $249 billion).
This is the equivalent of 21% of the country's gross domestic product.
Given the high cost of violence, Mexico's investment in its prevention is surprisingly low.
In 2017, the federal government set aside only 1% of GDP for public order and safety expenditures.
Dado el alcance de la violencia en México, el cálculo de su impacto económico es necesario para evaluar la carga financiera que representa para la sociedad del país.
Según el Índice de Paz de México (IPM) 2018, el costo de la violencia en México en 2017 fue de 4.72 mil millones de pesos (US $ 249 mil millones).
Esto es equivalente al 21% del producto interno bruto del país.
Dado el alto costo de la violencia, la inversión de México en su prevención es sorprendentemente baja.
En 2017, el gobierno federal reservó solo el 1% del PIB para los gastos de orden público y de seguridad.
In 1600s the planter class increasingly relied on African slaves for labor majorly because slaves were offering cheap labor now that the planters didn't have to pay for this form of labor. This led to most of them foregoing traditional indentured servants who would be paid for their labor and instead opted for African slaves.