A. To make a piece of fruit seem like a peer to Granny B. To link two unlike concepts: ... C. (Choose) To show that Granny has moved on with life after being jilted. D. ... fewer of these foods you eat, the less likely your chance of having a heart attack ... He is skeptical about his neighbor's idea of what makes good neighbors. B ...
Your answer should include some of these points:
The scope of the chapter is completely different from that of the video. The video is of a small segment of the expedition.
The video’s mood is gloomy because it shows the destruction of the ship Endurance. Although the memoir describes the three men facing extreme hardship, the mood is less dismal because the men follow their plan with determination.
The video is shot by crew member Frank Hurley, and the memoir is written by Shackleton. As the expedition’s leader, Shackleton’s level of involvement is much deeper than Hurley's.
The tone of the memoir is personal and the point of view is first person. The video is dramatic and evokes shock in the audience.
The memoir is a realistic but emotional description of the trek and evokes both sympathy and hope in readers. The video is realistic and documentary in style.
there are key words like was and last, so its past tense
I attached a picture so you can look at the explaination.