Identify the choice in which a sentence using a subordinating conjunction is followed by a sentence which uses a coordinating co
njunction. A) The day was long; we were having fun, and it was getting late. The day seemed to fly by. B) The day was long, and we were having so much fun. Eventually my sister left for the night, and my uncle went to bed. C) Although the day was long, we were having so much fun that it seemed to fly by. Eventually my sister left for the night, and my uncle went to bed. D) Eventually my sister left for the night, and my uncle went to bed. Although the day was long, we were having so much fun that it seemed to fly by.
"I wrote extra r's at the end of roarrr to show the sound the lion made" is the sentence that correctly forms the plural of the letter "r". This is almost always done with apostrophes.