Correct answer choice is :
<h2>2) America is realizing its hypocrisy when it created the Chinese Exclusion Act.</h2><h2 /><h3>Explanation:</h3><h3 />
Jews in Russia have historically created a large religious diaspora, the vast regions of the Russian Empire at one time received the largest population of Jews in the world. Within these territories, the essentially Ashkenazi Jewish societies of many distinct areas prospered and advanced many of modern Judaism's most unique theological and cultural beliefs, while also facing periods of anti-Semitic biased policies and oppression.
lessons are structured so students’ only access to most of the information they will be tested on is from other students.
The Jigsaw classroom method is a technique that promotes dependency of learning on other students thus eliminating any racial conflicts between the students. This technique was originated by Elliot Aronson in the early 1970s.
The <u>main purpose</u> of this technique is to eradicate racial tensions in a classroom environment and between the students. Through this technique, students learn to depend on each other for successful learning.
As this technique involves learning based on cooperative learning, the students are divided into exert groups and given a topic to learn. <u>Each group has a piece of vital information to share thus they will be tested on the matters they learned in the class from other students</u>.
So, from the given options the correct one is second.
Fertility rate is the number of live birth of a woman over a specific period of time.
Fertility rate can affect the world's population because the higher the fertility rate of the woman in the world,the higher the populations grows..If the world fertility rate is reduced,there will also be a visible reduction in the world'spopulation.
He was elected on feb 4 1789
Answer: Metacognition/Metacognitive Skills
During aldolescent stage, Children begins to develop their abilities in planning, organizing, understanding, and controlling their own cognitive skills.
Knowledge about cognition and it's regulations is of prime importance at this state of development.
It requires the application of prior knowledge to plan a learning strategy, problem-solving strategy, critique results, and change one's view towards a path.