Success in trade always deals with advertisement. In this case, the spread of Islam help distribute it's teachings and beliefs making more people contribute to trade.
1. was the first major battle in the Civil War
2. was fought in 1860
3. were two ironclad steamships used by the Union and the Confederacy
4. Merrimack
5. General William Tecumseh Sherman
6. First Battle of Bull Run
7. Gettysburg
8. none of the above
9. meant the destruction of slavery in all Cofederate States
10. Lincoln's interpretation included African Americans
Without the map of reference in question, all I can say is look for where England is and whatever region that is on your map.
He trusts that each resident of the world ought to have the capacity to appreciate the opportunities that American do - they are common human rights that the administration ought to have no influence over paying little mind to what nation you live in.
<span>The Sahel is the ecoclimatic and biogeographic zone of transition
in Africa between the Sahara to the north and the Sudanian Savanna to
the south</span>