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Stalin felt the Soviets Union needed the Eastern European nations as satellites to protect their own interests. The fact that Nazi Germany had invaded Germany in World War II and millions of Soviet lives were lost provided Stalin's justification for loyal states along the Soviet border.
Historical context:
US president Franklin Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, the leaders of the Allies in World War II, met at Yalta in February, 1945.
Churchill in particular (along with Roosevelt) pushed strongly for Stalin to allow free elections to take place in the nations of Europe after the war. At that time Stalin agreed, but there was a strong feeling by the other leaders that he might renege on that promise. The Soviets never did allow those free elections to occur. Later, Winston Churchill wrote, ""Our hopeful assumptions were soon to be falsified." A line of countries in Eastern Europe came into line with the USSR and communism. Churchill later would say an "iron curtain" had fallen between Western and Eastern Europe.
Ebonics, Spanglish, text using the vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation, English words fusing with other languages.
Israel is roughly the size of Maine. Therefore, about 5 or 4 Israels should fit in Maine.
About 50 or 60 Maines should fit in the US, therefore 250 or 360 Israels should fit in the US
Here are your matches:
<u>Ronald Reagan</u>
- I challenged the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall. I also maintained a hard line against communism.
<u>Dwight D. Eisenhower</u>
- My administration created the idea of brinkmanship--going to the brink of nuclear war to achieve our aims.
<u>Margaret Thatcher</u>
- I was good friends with leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States and helped end the Cold War by bringing them together.
<u>Nikita Khrushchev</u>
- I pulled missiles out of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and prevented the Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war.
<u>Harry S. Truman</u>
- I made the decision to drop the atomic bomb, but I also became known for Marshall Plan and the doctrine of containment.
<u>Josef Stalin</u>
- I began the Cold War in Europe by creating the Communist Bloc. I also stole atomic secrets from the United States and built my own bomb, thus escalating tension in the early Cold War.
<u>Mikhail Gorbachev</u>
- My policies were designed to give more personal and economic freedom to people in the Soviet Union. I had good relations with many leaders in the Western Bloc.
A bit of added detail:
I'd like to explain more about one item in the list above -- the policy of "brinkmanship" during the Eisenhower administration.
John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under US President Dwight Eisenhower. Dulles held the office from 1953 to 1959. He wanted a change from what had been the "containment policy" which the US had followed during the Truman Administration, as recommended then by American diplomat George F. Kennan. Dulles felt the containment approach put the United States in a weak position, because it only was reactive, trying to contain communist aggression when it occurred.
Dulles sought to push America's policy in a more active direction; some have labeled his approach "brinkmanship." In an article in <em>LIFE </em>magazine in 1956, Dulles said, "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art." He wasn't afraid to threaten massive retaliation against communist enemy countries as a way of intimidating them.