1010 0111 1101 1111
A = 10 in decimal = 1010 in binary
7 = 7 in decimal = 0111 in binary
D = 13 in decimal = 1101 in binary
F = 15 in decimal = 1111 in binary
Therefore 0xA7DF = 1010 0111 1101 1111 in binary
Its false ita not "output" its "input"
Bus Topology
In local area networks (LANs), Bus topology is used to connect all the computers on the single cable. This cable is called backbone of the network. In this type of network when a computer sends data, it will be received on entire network.
For Example
In water line system, all the taps that are connected to single pipe. If the pipe or a single tap broken this will affect the whole system.
Entire system can be crash if any node or wire will break.
A) a device that sends data to the receiving device
The answer of this question is bios software applications it detects errors in system configuration?