That is false because he died during the war <span />
Bias in favor of Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy's picture is above Nixon's. On top of that, his right to wrong vote ratio is 120:2 which is incredible. On the other hand, they said Nixon's was 10:59. Thus, portraying the picture that Jack Kennedy is better.
Concentration camps served primarily as detention and labor centers, while extermination camps were killing centers for efficient mass murder.
It really depends on which state you live in. Some state it is easy to amend their constitutions while with others the process is difficult.
To change the US Constitution you need a 2/3rds majority from Congress. I believe with state constitutions you have to have a petition with a certain number of signatures, which is hard to do, then the signatures must be checked to make sure they are authentic meaning the people who have signed the petition are from the state and they actually exist. Then it goes to the State, which they will look at the petition and I believe the State gives it to lawyers too look at and then a Judge must also look at it. If the judge disagrees, the process must start all over again.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.