<span>The correct answer is YES.
Perch and chimps they share a common ancestor.
A common ancestor is species that multiple species do share a species. Many years ago, ancestors began to diverge. This diverging led to different lineages and later raised to different species.
For example, human and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Humans and yeast they share the same common ancestor in that human have genes that codes for myosin, and also a gene in yeast which too codes for myosin protein.</span>
The nurse could find an 86-106 systolic and 42-63 diastolic pressure in toddlers. Though taking a toddler's blood pressure is infinitely harder compared to adults, their blood pressure is often influenced by many factors because they are growing up. Generally, boys' blood pressure will be higher than the girls'. Those taller kids will have a more normal blood pressure than the shorter ones. Age and sex affect the blood pressure of toddlers.
offspring inherits are most likely inherits from parents.