a niche is a specific area if habitation where an orgnism perfoms its daily activities
It represents young or rapidly growing population. In urn-shaped age pyramid, the number of reproductive individuals is higher than the number of pre-reproductive individuals. It represents declining or diminishing population with negative growth.
In this case, the black body colour is the dominant one. The white dog is homozygous recessive.
As the cross between the black female 2 and the white male results in all black pups. This means that the all the offsprings are heterozygotes and the Female 1 is homozygous recessive having a BB phenotype (where B codes for dominant allele).
As the cross between the black female and the white male results in four white and three black pups. This means that the all the black offsprings are heterozygotes, and the white ones are homozygous recessive and the Female 2 have a dominant and 1 recessive gene, and is a hetrozygotezygous recessive having a Bb phenotype (where B codes for dominant allele and b codes for recessive allele).
East Asia and Europe
only East Asia and Europe show growth in their forest cover
Since acid is less than 7, you'd want the remedy to be more than 7.