an ancient region in W Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq.
In the 17th century natality and mortality was managed by the church. The church had all the records of the people that have been born in that period of time, and of the people that had died (and how did they died; if they had a disease or something in between those matters). A historian that is doing some research about the diseases of a specific population would find this information very important; because by reading the funeral records he could come to a conclusion.
The positives were that you actually had a home and the negative was that you had a part of the military. another positive was that you had to chance to cultivate the downside was that you had to give a set amount of your harvested crops to your duke/duchess or whoever owns said land. I hope this will give you some pros and cons to feudalism
Both groups used the written word to preserve knowledge of their faith.
Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority