I just did this for class. The graphs should look something like these ( see attachments)
They are in order of stabilized, directional, disruptive
ap3x :)
May be of the environment they live or genetics.
This naked mole rat species evolved back to an ectothermic life style rather than staying endothermic like all other mammals because of the environment they live or change in the genetic makeup. The main reason for this evolution may be the environmental they lives or through the change in genetic makeup of this naked mole rat species so both factors can contribute in the evolution.
Isobars represent adjusted atmospheric pressure. This removes pressure discrepancies caused by the location's relation to sea level or altitude. Isobars are also adjusted when necessary so that they never cross or touch. Weather maps with isobars give pressure information at a glance. They also give an approximation of wind direction because wind moves from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas as large air masses move through the pressure differential.
Answer and explanation;
-There are advantages to being multicellular rather than unicellular. These include; allowing the organism to be larger, allowing
cell differentiation (having different types of cells with different functions)
, and also allowing the organisms to be more complex.
-Complex organisms often have specialized cells that carry out different functions. Having specialized cells and systems allows the process such as transport of nutrients and waste to and from all the cells of the body to occur.