The main advantage of a compound interest account is that the interest that you earn also earns interest, so the total amount of earned interest increases.
For example, a $10,000 account earning simple interest at a 4% rate will earn $4,000 in ten years. While the same amount in a compound interest account will earn $4,802.
The complete question is mentioned in attachment. According to 2nd line and 2nd last line, option d is the ocrrect answer.
The correct option is (C)
To be able to claim somebody as a dependent, the person has to qualify 4 tests. They are:
- Lineal descendant
- Must live with the taxpayer for more than a year
- Should be below 19 years or under 24 if a full time student
- Cannot file return on their own.
If a person who is not a lineal descendant to be claimed as a dependent needs to be a part of taxpayer's household for 365 days (whole year).
In this case, taxpayer's cousin is not a lineal descendant. Rest of them (sister, father and son-in-law) are lineal descendants. So, cousin has to stay with the taxpayer for the entire year.
Both cover an unexpected loss of income.
Both life insurance and disability insurance protect personal finances during a disaster. Life insurance pays beneficiaries when the insured dies. Disability insurance compensates for lost income when one is unable to work as a result of injuries.
Life and disability insurance policies are about financial loss protection. Life insurance protects the insured's beneficiaries against financial loss when the insured dies, while disability insurance covers the insured against any financial loss due to the inability to work.