First you must know what a pronoun is.. here are some examples:
I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everyone, etc.
In this sentence you see only one pronoun, at the end of the sentence, "hers."
You may already know this, but possessive means "in possession of" and the word "hers" in this sentence means that she is in possession of the pasta with the grilled chicken on it.
I hope I helped! (:
Doug needs to be honest with his manager. He could say that he doesn’t feel he has the proper skills right now to run a restaurant. He could also ask that she teaches him how to do the job, so he may be more confident in his ability to do it.
Answer :
Slave women were expected to work in the fields with the men, not take care of the home life.
They were apportioned almost the same task given to men, not considering their gender. In Africa, woman's primary social role was that of being a mother (tending the kids and making meals in the home). In slavery, this aspect of African womanhood was debased. They were however treated a bit softly whenever they are pregnant, or have just given birth.